Sunday, April 4, 2010


"No-one can imagine the modern. How is it to be thought, but with concepts from the past? How is it to be named, but with words of the past? How is it to be imagined but with images taken from experience? The very words ‘project’ and ‘modern’ contradict one another. ‘Pro-ject’, from ‘pro-‘ meaning ‘in front of’ and ‘jacere’, ‘to throw’, is a throwing forward, a proposing…For something to be thrown forward, both the thrower and the object must be in back of the point towards which the object is thrown. All projects, then, come from behind, from the background, as messengers from the past. There is not and cannot be such a thing as a modern project." -Josep Quetglas

Narration by: Danny Taylor-Homfeld


  1. Quite astute!....Embracing what we came from is connecting more fully to what we are intended to become. Very impressive. It is apparent from first sight. As we grow, so should our ideas of growth become more not less. But, in order to accomplish this, we must come from what we were.
    -Donna Homfeld
    from my mom

  2. Good project congratulations!, the video is cool sort old school with that narration.
